our village hall


As a charitable organisation our aim is to provide and maintain the Village Hall for the benefit of the local community, providing entertainment, social, recreational and educational activities.
The Binley Woods Parish Council has been the Trustee of the Village Hall since 1994. The Hall is administered by an elected Management Committee of unpaid volunteers which is subject to the rules of the Charities Commission.


The Village Hall was opened in 1957.
The entertaining story of how the Hall came to be built was written by Stan Wheatcroft in 1997. It has been scanned in its original state.

His family has kindly given permission for his booklet to be included. Please click here to download a printable version.

Management Committee

The Committee consists of volunteers from the Village. They meet once a month in the Morrisons Room.

Any member of the Village with an interest in the running of the Village Hall is welcome to attend.

Contact the Secretary: kath@outgun.com
The role of the Parish Council is to make Binley Woods a pleasant place to live. The duties of Councillors are to promote the views of residents where applicable to relevant authorities on decisions such as planning and improvements to buildings and the green belt environment.

The Parish Council has financial control of an annual precept to cover minor general village betterments, grass and hedge maintenance, play area facilities and street lighting.

View Binley Woods Councillors

The Parliamentary constituency is Rugby.

The elected representative at present is Mark Pawsey. (Conservative).

Parish Council Meetings
The Parish Council meets once each month with the exception of August. The agenda is displayed on the notice boards and on the website.

Should you wish an item be put before the Council, please contact the Clerk in writing seven days prior to the meeting with your comments or questions

The formal meeting will begin at 7.45pm and will be preceded at 7.30pm by a Public Question Time, in which all residents of the village are encouraged to participate. In the absence of any residents, the meeting will start at 7.30pm prompt.

Binley Woods
Parish Council